A Black woman and man listen attentively to an instructor

Writing Your Way to a Better Tomorrow (Free Course Challenge!)

Nikki T. Anthony Head shot

This short, 5-day free course will help you get a clear vision about how you can leverage your past pains and problems and turn them into the tools for building the life of your dreams, just like Nikki T. Anthony did with her book, The Price We Pay

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner

This course is for you if your life is all over the place and you’re:

  • Bouncing from problem to problem and crisis to crisis
  • Unsure about your future and how to improve it
  • Clueless as to how you’re going to get out of certain situations or if it’s even possible
  • Feeling hopeless, depressed, stuck, and unable to transform things…

But you’re ready for a transformation…and you’re willing to take whatever steps are necessary to get there.

Course Instructor

Brandy Miller Brandy Miller Author

Award-winning author and international speaker, Brandy M. Miller is also the acquisitions editor for PTP Press, the Program Development Director for Path To Publishing, and the co-founder of Path To Connections. Working in partnership with Joylynn M. Ross, the CEO and founder of PTP Press and Path To Publishing, they help writers find their exceptional value and share it with the world.

5 Day Challenge

30 days of access

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