Great LEADERS Communicate with CLARITY and CONSISTENCY

Changing the conversation around race relations requires effective leadership, which begins with clarity around the vision. That vision then fuels the goals of the movement and directs the work being done to change the conversation.

For that reason, the leader must be able to clearly and effectively communicate:

  • Their vision of what life will be like if their mission is accomplished
  • The necessity driving that vision and the urgency of taking action now
  • The benefits awaiting those who contribute to turning that vision into a reality
  • The steps that must be taken in order to achieve the vision and accomplish the mission

For people to follow a leader, they have to know where they are going and what the benefits are of getting there. They also need to understand the risks they take in choosing to allow themselves to be left behind or of delaying their response to this call to action.

They must also see the benefits of putting in the work required for the vision to become a reality. Finally, they need to know what is expected of them and how to do it in order for them to take the actions that will help turn the vision into a reality.

If the leader doesn’t know these things or isn’t clear about them, it leaves would-be followers without the motivation or direction needed to get on board with that leader’s plans. This is why CLARITY is the first step for all great LEADERS.

Once CLARITY is achieved, CONSISTENCY is needed. Consistency in taking action, consistency in communicating about the vision, and consistency in the expectations for those who join the LEADERS in executing it are all important. It’s what shows confidence, prevents confusion, and encourages others to commit to getting on board with what the leader is trying to achieve.

That’s why we are prepared to offer LEADERS who contribute to our crowdfunding campaign with:

  • The right messaging to use in communicating our vision of changing the conversation around race relations for the better through our Study Guide
  • Training in Magnetic Thought Leadership so that they know how we expect them to treat those they lead into our movement
  • A community of like-minded individuals who will help hold them accountable in their goals and provide support and encouragement to continue making a difference

The money raised through the campaign will be used to fund the publication of PTP Press’s (traditional publishing imprint of Path To Publishing) upcoming novel, The Price We Pay, and to furthering our agenda. We plan to leverage the novel, along with the above-mentioned resources, to help change the conversation around race relations using the novel to create common experiences to use in their discussions.

It is our goal that the next generation does not have to pay the price we are paying, from riots to church burnings and murders, for failing to step up and do something positive to end the racial divides.

To discover more about The Price We Pay and our novel plan to open the doors of communication and change the conversation around race relations beginning with a book, visit and sign up to become one of our LEADERS and #JoinTheConversation.

You can also visit to learn more about Path To Publishing’s traditional publishing imprint.

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